When following the Biohack Academy, all these materials are provided for by Waag. This list is just meant for future reference.


# Compound Prof Supplier Alternative
1 Ethanol (70%)   DeWeegschaal Drogist Kruidvat
2 Bacteriological Agar SigmaAldrich Agar Agar, Guar GumReference
3 CaCl2 SigmaAldrich Sold in Cheese making shops exampe
4 CaCO3 SigmaAldrich Sold in paint pigment shops as calciumcarbonate
5 Citric Acid SigmaAldrich Drug stores Bol.com
6 Crystal Violet SigmaAldrich Try Methylene Blue sold in aquarium stores Amazon
7 Distilled water   Look for it in the supermarket
8 Iodine SigmaAldrich Drug store Example
9 K2HPO4 SigmaAldrich Food grade Amazon
10 K2SO4 SigmaAldrich Food grade Amazon
11 KCl SigmaAldrich Food grade Amazon
12 KH2PO4 SigmaAldrich Fertilizer stores Amazon
13 KNO3 SigmaAldrich Aquarium store / Fertilizer Amazon
14 Lactic acid SigmaAldrich Food grade / DIY cosmetics Drogisterij
15 Malt   DIY brew store example
16 MgCl2.5H2O SigmaAldrich Drug stores Example
17 MgSO4 SigmaAldrich Sold as “Epsom salt” in cosmetic stores example
18 MRS broth SigmaAldrich DIY yoghurt growth medium
19 Na2HPO4.7H2O SigmaAldrich Mix NaOH and HPO4
20 Na2SO4 SigmaAldrich Sold as “glauberzout” in paint pigment shops
21 NaCl   Kitchen salt
22 NaHCO3 SigmaAldrich Sodiumcarbonate is sold as “baking soda”
23 NH4Cl SigmaAldrich Sold as lab chemical on eBay
24 Peptone SigmaAldrich Some kind of animal or soy digest from fitness store
25 Phenol Red SigmaAldrich pH indicator for swimingpools Amazon
26 Safranin SigmaAldrich Gram staining kit Amazon
27 Thiosulfate SigmaAldrich online lab stores Amazon


  • Glycerol - Sold as “Glycerine” in drug stores
  • Nitrogen test strips - Sold in aquarium stores
  • pH test strips - Sold in aquarium stores
  • 9 cm Petridishes - Home brewing store
  • 100 mL Erlenmeyer flasks - Home brewing store or lab glass store
  • 500 mL GL Bottles - Lab glass store
  • 15mL Test tubes - Home brewing store
  • 100 mL Beaker glasses - Home brewing store or Lab glass store
  • Glass spatula - Also sometimes refered to as “Drigalski Spatula” VWR
  • Inoculation wire - just take a piece of metal wire
  • Aquarium pump, tube and diffuser - aquarium store obviously

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